What Is The Best Bible?

Not all Bibles are based upon the same Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts; so what is the best Bible and why? After thousands of hours of research and over 700 references we have an answer and strong evidence to support it!

Four options to obtain well-referenced evidence on What is the Best Bible and why:
Option 1: Download the free evidence from The Torchbearer Series.
Option 2: Watch Session 1, 2, and 3 of The Torchbearer Series through either YouTube | BitChute | Brighteon | Archive.
Option 3: Obtain the full-color ebook or paperback versions called "The Torchbearer Series (3 book series)".
Option 4: Attend the three formal B501 certificate courses at Udemy.

What Is The Best Bible Image

Additional Information:
In the free audio video lecture series and accompanying supplemental lecture notes, we will cover how to determine what is the best Bible. Most assume that all Bibles are based upon the same biblical Hebrew and Greek manuscripts, but this is not the case. Would it shock you to learn that most modern Bibles use different Hebrew and Greek manuscripts to retranslate and create modern Bibles today? More shocking is that a master forger confessed to creating a manuscript used as one of the key manuscripts in translating modern Bibles. This manuscript was never tested to confirm its authenticity against normal protocol, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. The first of these modern Bibles to abandon the traditional text used for 1800+ years, was published in 1881. The Torchbearer Series covers this topic and much more. We seek to equip you in understanding all of the core important information you need to know but has been hidden from you and many others. See TheTorchbearerSeries.com for additional details and free downloads.

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